Cedar Ridge Academy Offers High School Credit Recovery
College Prep Boarding School and High School Credit Recovery
To succeed in the future, what skills does a high school student need from a college preparatory boarding school? High school students need a strong college preparatory curriculum, especially solid reading, writing, and mathematics, credits students can receive with our credit recovery options. Credit recovery allows students to catch up if they are behind pace for graduation. Our high school students also need a strong social curriculum that prepares them for the self-discipline, planning, and execution required for university success.
How does our College Preparatory Boarding School prepare your student for the future?
To prepare high school students for university academics, Cedar Ridge Academy Boarding School emphasizes helping high school students build skills that they are missing from previous schools through high school credit recovery classes.
College Prep Academic Content & Credit Recovery Options: Our students often enroll in Cedar Ridge Academy with gaps in their academic knowledge. Part of preparing our students for university is to fill in gaps in their content knowledge through credit recovery classes if needed. Students must have a solid foundation on which to build new knowledge, achievable through high school credit recovery if your student is behind.
At Cedar Ridge Academy Boarding School, we ensure that our students are prepared for college-level content by requiring that they master high school academic content to at least 80%. This requires that our students gain an ability to gauge the work needed to reach that level on each assignment and make a habit for the future.
College Prep Boarding School Learning Strategies: To succeed in college, students must understand their strengths and learning styles. College and the workplace don't tailor their struture to the needs of the student, so the student must learn to tailor their strategies to college or the workplace.
At Cedar Ridge Academy, we teach our high school students strategies to reach the end result required by assignments by their own means. Students must be versatile in their approaches to learning in order to be prepared for university. We also place emphasis on reading and writing in the various content areas, and on a math foundation solid enough for them to continue in university without a remedial step.
How does our College Prep Boarding School prepare High School Students for the Social Demands of University Life?
Cedar Ridge Academy college preparatory boarding school prepares students for the social demands of university that require them to successfully plan their time, discipline to complete tasks punctually, execute a plan efficiently, and navigate administration and faculty to get the necessary help.
In addition to Cedar Ridge Academy's academic preparation, our college preparatory boarding school also follows a structure that promotes success in the social aspects of university. Our weekly schedule reflects that of a university, with direct instruction for each class, and then study groups and individual work outside of class with the instructors available for help. Students are required to plan for their weekly quota of academics by following assignments in syllabuses and planning time and materials to get assignments completed, especially while participating in high school credit recovery classes.
Preparing to navigate the university environment and the workplace, students are required to respect teachers' study hall hours, to submit applications for various activities, to discuss their progress with an assigned mentor, to respond to evaluations by teachers, and, if needed, participate in high school credit recovery. Students learn to be respectfully assertive with faculty and administration as part of Cedar Ridge Academy's college prep social curriculum.
To enroll your son or daughter in our college prep boarding school, contact our Dean of Admissions at 435-353-4498, or submit a query on our Contact Us page.